Cheers to…2022

Happy New Year!

I am making a resolution to not make any. 🙂 I would like to give 2022 the chance to evolve as it would like to, with no pressure.

I’m not going to plan to accomplish something I clearly will give up on and disappointment myself. I am not going to start doing anything differently. I will still live, love and laugh exactly the way I did yesterday.

Will I likely run about the same miles, hug my dog just as much, eat pretty much the same way, hug friends, cry tears and fall asleep during any movie put on after 7pm just like last year? Yes! And that is 100% okay with me.

I will embrace the positive things that come my way and rally against any of the negative things. I will be me. Although at some point during the year, a slightly older version.

Be You, my friends. 2022 could be amazing…or it could totally suck. But let’s give it a chance. Let’s give it a pass to be whatever it will. And let’s hope in 365 days, we’ll look back and smile.

Don’t Stop Believing

Don’t Stop Believing.

In yourself. In magic and wonder. In the power of positive thinking.

I know I never updated you after my big little race on August. I had a story I wrote in my head 100 times and told it in person to many people. I just couldn’t get it down on “paper”.

Long story short – it was hot and humid, I thought I was going to die by mile 6 and by a little change of strategy and a whole lotta willpower and Coca Cola, completed almost 43 miles. Believe you can and you will. I walked more than ran (so I didn’t die lol), but coming in to the finish on that last loop, with “Rock & Roll” blaring from base camp, I ran it in grinning. ⚓️

In other news – my amazing super sniffer Mugsy is well on his way in the nosework world. We had a botched attempt at earning his NASCW NW1 title, but learned from our mistakes and by Believing in ourselves, aced our second chance at it. Woohoo!

Not much going on since – a fun 5k, my favorite seaside 10k with the girls, a couple half marathons, a couple mountains (hiked an Adirondack high peaks and drove up Mt Washington) and a whole lotta Dopey training miles.

I didn’t write about these as they were happening because I didn’t Believe that anyone would want to read about it. I had to realize I’m blogging for ME and I want to be able to go back and read my thoughts. And if you all read them too, it’s icing.

So here I am…a month and a day from leaving for Disney. Blogging while I wait for the sun to come up. I’m in the heart of training. Another big long run and a four-day simulation this month.

Even tho I’ve done this several times before…it’s new every year. I’m new every year. As long as I remember to Believe I can do it, I will.

Maybe I’ll even Believe in blogging again. 🙂

Holy Sh$t it’s August ⚓️

Yeah yeah, I know. It’s been 5 months since my last post. (Insert pathetic excuse here…)

But I’m back!!! And have enough going on in the race world that it should give me subjects to write about. It’s just finding the time to write.

I’m sitting in my backyard right now during “commute time” to write. I’m on a hybrid model for work, but on work from home days I try to still take a down time between when I log off and when I cook dinner. So this seemed a good time.

It’s now 11 days to the Anchor Down Ultra. That’s right – it’s taper. Welcome to the “omg what is going on with that calf? Did I train enough? What color should I paint my nails? Do I need a new tank? Will my flashlight last 12 hours?” portion of training 🤣

I logged all the miles I was supposed to. I logged them on trail and pavement. I ran them in circles and humidity. I’m ready.

And I’m not just ready, I’m excited.

The last time I registered for this my body and brain both had a meltdown (the hip /hamstring wasn’t happy and I couldn’t get my mind focused) and I pulled out long before race day. It wasn’t my time then. But it’s my time now. It’s the 5th anniversary of my first ADU. And I’m ready to compete.

I’m ready to toe that gravel start line and spend the night finding out what I’m made of. To find how deep my grit goes. And to hopefully reach a new distance PR.

Wish me luck – I’ll catch you in two weeks on the other side.

Anchor Down. Run Long. Be Epic. ⚓️

March Forth

So….sometime after my last post, I found it. My motivation. I think because I stopped looking for it, and just kind of tripped over it. I woke up one day and said THIS is the day I take control. This is the day I reclaim myself. And by golly, i’m going to. (I’m trying to swear less too. Fudge nuts is my current fave non-swear. lol)

At work last week we had to go through an exercise to set goals for ourselves for the year. We are using a new tracking system and were trained to set them up as follows: Set your Objective, then set the Key Results that end in you achieving that objective. And I realized this SO totally applies to almost anything in life, and i’m applying it to running.

My Objective – Reach 50 miles at Anchor Down Ultra

My Key Results that will get me there?

  1. Lose the pandemic weight gain
  2. Increase my strength & flexibility through cross training
  3. Run. More. Trail.
  4. Increase overall mileage

I’m happy to report that all four are in progress. And how am I getting there?

Weight gain – tracking, tracking, tracking. Everything I eat gets written down. Its not as much for calorie control as it is for food awareness. Before I eat something i’m making a decision of accountability. Will I be embarrassed at myself for having eaten that? Is it helping my goal? And so i’m making smarter choices – protein over carbs, salad over sandwiches, nutrition before treats. And so far so good!

Crosstraining – i’ve discovered the joys of virtual ‘classes’. Using both the FitOn and Peleton apps i’ve done more Barre and Yoga classes than ever before. I LOVE Barre. It speaks to the little girl inside me that always wanted to be a ballerina. And to whom first position is just a natural state of being. lol I’ve found a new joy in exercising the days i’m not running. And i’m sore in so many weird places, in the best way.

Trail – Gotta get my trail legs under me. That was absolutely my weak spot at my last anchor down. Tho after knowing my trail boss friend had wiped out twice I was probably overly careful. Still – I was pleased with the 44 miles I achieved that night. But I have a goal. 50 before 50. And this is my shot at it.

I’m so lucky training this time. I’m now a half mile away from an awesome trail network in the woods. And I have a terrier who loves trails. So not only can I get in runs, I can add in walks and hikes and just time on my feet among the trees. I can build my trail agility and get significantly more comfortable there.

i’m two days in a row out there right now… Mugsy & I did some trail running yesterday and a whole bunch of hiking today. The further I go in the more i’ve realized we’ve only scratched the surface of the trails. This spring/summer its going to be so much fun exploring them all and finding my favorites.

Increasing mileage? That’s coming along too. Because can you feel it? Spring is in the air! Its lighter in the morning, so I can start earlier. And its getting warmer, which means less layers and faster runs.

It may be 5 months until I Anchor Down and Run Long, but today, we March Forth.

Back to Basics

Today I ran, did a weight “class” and put protein powder in my second cup of coffee

I know – it doesn’t sound like much, but to me, today, it’s huge. It’s a piece of the old me. The pre-pandemic me. The me who cared about my finish times and my waistline.

I miss that me.

We all fell into this same trap. We all thought gee, working from home I’ll have SO much more time to exercise and cook healthy. And we didn’t realize that we’d also feel trapped and sad and have no desire to do any of that.

So here we are almost a year later. Tired and cranky and slower and heavier rather than lighter and faster and healthier. And just so very OVER this “new normal”.

I keep trying…sorta. And after a few days of drinking water and eating salads I start remembering it’s cold and I’m bored and there’s no races til May and we still can’t visit friends and take vacations. And I stop trying.

I stop posting on social media because I’ve got nothing good to share. Or at least nothing I figure anyone would think is good. And I don’t like the way I look on pictures. I go full on pity party. I let myself make excuses. And that’s not me. I’m better than that. (Tho it’s definitely healthy to take a break from the pressures of Facebook and Instagram).

So this…this is my accountability blog post. I figure if I come clean it will be therapeutic and remind me to keep trying.

So I’m getting back to basics. I’m determined to spend the winter building back my mileage base, my strength and my flexibility. To reclaim my joy of running and to do the crosstraining I tend to ignore. To start taking a real lunch hour. And to prioritize ME.

I decided that a spring marathon is not a good idea this year. The big goal is my summer ultra. And if I have any chance of hitting 50 miles, then that means focusing on the one big goal instead of a series of lesser ones. Eyes on the prize.

A big (virtual) hug to my friends and readers. If you are struggling too, it’s okay. You aren’t alone. Let’s try to find a way to focus on what we can do instead of what we can’t. We are each fighting a battle against ourself. And we will win. But this isn’t a sprint…it’s an endurance race. 🙂

Well hello 2021

Remember me? I’m that girl who used to tell stories of her grand adventures pounding the pavement.

Sorry it’s been so long. You see…2020 kinda sucked. And I lost a bit of myself. The bit who was enthusiastic and loved racing and just wanted to spread cheer.

The races…dried up. And it took me a while to realize that who I am as a runner is deeply tied to racing. It’s not enough for me to just run. I need that goal. That bling. That end game. Sure I can go run 13 miles. But without a dedicated course and other runners… I can’t RACE those 13 miles.

2020 started okay. I ran Dopey (omg most amazing and ridiculous thing that I just can’t stop doing.) again. And then in early March, right before the “hot mess express” boarded, I ran a 5k with friends. We dressed obnoxiously Irish, ran the race and raised a pint. It was a perfect day…yet a last hurrah.

It was a long time before I ran another race. Nearly 6 months. A long six months where contact with the outside world was so limited. Working from home, grocery shopping online. No friends, no family, just my little trio (me, Mugs and the hubs). It should have been enough. I should have reveled in no commute, extra time with my boy, the amazingness of my new house (yes, one major brightside of the pandemic – I bought a house!) the extra time to run. And yet…I couldn’t find my spark.

The light didn’t go out…it just ran dim. I tried the virtual stuff. Nope. It’s not the bling as much as what it represents. The race versus the finish line. But in September, I found a race. It was different – open start, sections of the course just me hoping I hadn’t taken a wrong turn. But it was racing. There was a finish line. And a medal waiting right there for me (instead of arriving in 4-6 weeks). And it was everything I needed. That dim light got a little brighter.

I sought out more. I raced again in November and even got to see my OG Sole sister. I tried to focus not on what I was losing (ocean road 10k girls weekend, my planned ultra, hugs) but on what I could do. I tried SO hard to stay motivated. But the hardest thing… was losing Dopey 2021.

See Dopey isn’t just a race weekend. It’s seeing family and being at Disney and what’s become a large part of my running persona. And 2021, next weekend, will be virtual. And I am having Tne. Hardest. Time. with that. My training was nowhere near what it should have been. I’m so going to half-ass next weekend. Because 48.6 miles in 4 days in Massachusetts… meh 😂 I told the hubs today that he needs to help me pretend that I’m at Disney next weekend. He’ll fry.

He bought me new Minnie ears for Christmas. He knows I’m nuts. And he loves me anyway and will help me salvage next weekend. (Homemade gran mariner slushies anyone?) it’s going to be hard…but it’s going to be.

The year is already off to an awesome start. I ran a live 5k this am and while I’m so not at 5k PR pace, I ran a good solid negative-split race with a killer kick. And have been so jazzed all day.

I have goals – I’m signed up for an April marathon and tomorrow I’m going to try to get into a summer ultra. I’m going to train harder and stop being so hard on myself. I’m going to stretch more and stress less. This pandemic isn’t over. But I’m over it. Time to live again. 2020 – hope you didn’t let the door hit you on the way out. I’m over you.

Things I’ve learned from my Sole Sisters

If you’re a woman who runs, odds are good you have one. Odds are good you are one.

We all need them. Those other women who get it. Who’ve been there. The ones who will help you through the failures and celebrate your achievements.

I’ve been very lucky over the past few years to collect an awesome set of them.

I love my OG. She’s the absolute best. It doesn’t matter how long it’s been since we’ve seen each other or talked, I know she’s got my back and sage advice whenever I need it.

And I love all of my newer ones too. A couple years ago I somehow found myself a Posse. This great group of women of all ability levels who just like spending time and miles together.

This past weekend we had our second annual year-end banquet. A chance to sip wine and relish in our accomplishments from the past year. Races we did together or apart, stories from the road.

We all left feeling renewed and eager for the year ahead. It’s gonna be another great one!

And in the spirit of the new year, I’ve been reflecting on what I’ve learned from all these amazing ladies.

    Never be afraid to try
    Never be afraid to fail
    Attempt the outrageous; if it scares you, do it anyway
    Miles are better with company
    When you race with your posse, there’s always someone to cheer you on at the finish.
    When you train for hot races, you run on a treadmill
    Yoga does a body good
    Staying near the race start can sometimes come in handy
    Inspire and be inspired
    Sole sister road trips are the best kind
    Sometimes the journey IS the destination
    Never forget you were once a beginner too
    Mimosas always taste better after a race

And the most important

    Once a sole sister, always a sole sister

Four Days. One Treadmill. 38.1 miles

Kids – don’t try this at home.  LOL  Or rather – go ahead…I dare you! 🙂

This week was my last BIG training week for the 2020 Dopey Challenge.  My four day ‘Dopey Practice”.  Plans were set for Tuesday – Friday (like usual).  With vacation days for the longer three runs and some Christmas preparations. However, mother nature had plans of her own.

I knew Tuesday would be a treadmill run.  It was before work (roughly 5:45am) and dark out. So no problem…just an ‘easy 3’.

Wednesday, Mugsy decided that momma was gonna get up early (he’s apparently helping with my training). And since I was up… I hit the treadmill for my five miles.  Again at about 5:45.

So far so good…

Then Wednesday night I saw Thursday’s weather.  And a frostbite warning? Not cool.  But, not wanting to feel like a chicken I texted my sole sister/favorite running coach to get her insight.  Her response “We run on treadmills when we race in Florida”.  And considering she just set the female course record at the Daytona 100 ultra, i’m gonna say she knows these things.

So back to the dreadmill I went.  This one, a little harder.  Had Sports Center and metal music keeping me company but still, a bit of struggle the last few miles.  Yet I got it done.

And later that day I realized I actually didn’t feel that bad.  I think having done two other ‘mini Dopey’ 3 day simulations had helped.   Because my often wonky hip felt good, the feet and legs were fine and I felt good about running Friday.

And then Friday…. Mugsy with the 4:30 wake-up (OMG will he ever sleep in?) and a strong desire to just get it over with, I was back on the treadmill before 6.  Hello Beastie!

I wasn’t really going to stay on there the whole 20.  I was waiting for it to get light out.  And then it did and it was still “feels like 5” and suddenly, Satan’s Sidewalk didn’t seem all that bad an idea.  I had my bottle full of powerade (train with what’s on the course), easy access to a bathroom and food mere steps away.

I also, had the start of a blister on the bottom of one toe. And the beginnings of tightness in my hip. And a brain that SO didn’t want to stare at my basement wall or tv or anything anymore.   Yet, I had 10 miles to go.  

Mile 13 I had a FULL ON meltdown.  There was no way I was going to finish.  7 more miles seemed impossible.  But it was still cold out and I wasn’t sure being outside for those 7 miles would be any easier. I was also starving. So I went upstairs and snagged some gluten free chocolate donut holes. And went back down.

And I walked…for 5 whole minutes.  To eat my “munchkins” and to reset.  Reset my legs, reset my brain. And then I ran, slower, for 5 minutes.  And thought hmmm…..maybe this is what I have to do.  Just 5 minutes at a time.  Walk.  Run.  Keep moving.  Listen to the panel discussing what the Patriots needed to do to beat the Bills.  Sing along to Youth Gone Wild.  🤘🏻Just keep moving.

And at mile 18 when “Baby got back” came on I just started laughing SO hard.  At the song.  At the absurdity of what I was doing.  With relief that I might just actually finish the 20 miles.  And when my watch beeped that final marker….my first thought was “YES!” ad my next thought was “How in the world am I going to get up my staircase to the kitchen”.

I made it upstairs, laid down on the floor and with Mugsy licking my extremely delicious legs sent out texts…. “Babe, I finished” – to Kevin.  “As God is my witness I will never run a treadmill 20-miler again” – to Cara. and “Everything hurts and I’m dying” to Amanda.

As i’m sitting here I still can’t believe I did that many treadmill miles.  And yet I am SO extremely grateful that I have that treadmill.  We are still not besties.  I will choose the roads over it any day I can.  But its a training tool.  And when you are about to run your third Dopey, you use any tool you’ve got.

I do have to say that overall, I feel good.  Saturday morning I was walking completely normal.  And I’m itching for another run (albeit a short one).  All good signs.

I learned that I can do ANYTHING I put my mind to. I learned that 20 miles on a treadmill at once sucks, but is also totally badass.

I’m SO ready for taper!  Yet a little sad that three weeks from right now it will all be over for another year.

So to anyone else that ran their Dopey simulation this week – hope it went well and was more scenic than mine.  🙂  I’ll see ya real soon!


So that’s why they call them fast braids

Thanksgiving was my fourth year (in a row) running the Attleboro YMCA Gobble Wobble.  And as always, it didn’t disappoint.

I love this little hometown race.  Its a fundraiser for the local YMCA, its a fast flat course and I usually end up knowing other people running it.  My sole sister Karen got me into it, and although injury kept her away this year, I’m sure she’ll be back next year.

The course winds through an industrial park, so while its not that scenic, it also really lets me just dial in and kick asphalt.   I set my current 5k PR here back in 2017.  And its just so much fun. Being an out and back you can watch the winners fly by.

The weather was looking a little questionable this year, but after running in arctic temps last year, I could deal with a little rain and wind.   However, it left me completely unsure until race morning as to what I was going to wear.  (Shocker,right?)

I opted for no sparkles this race (even bigger shocker lol) because of the rain.  And i’ve seen what it does to my skirts.  I went with a Goofy challenge shirt, capris in the same color.  And my new current favorite race hair of braids.

My running friend Ashley swears by them.  And apparently its a thing… Fast Braids are all the rage. I went for braids in Cape May because it looked cute. And for this race because if it did rain all race I was less likely to look like a drowned rat at the end.

But I got lucky…because while I did my warmups in the rain, it stopped by the time we started.  And I just had to deal with some puddles.

I went into this race with a MAJOR goal.  I wanted to place my age group again.  You see…thanksgiving would have been my grandpa’s 92 birthday.  So I was running in his honor.

I spent a month doing extra speedwork and focusing on my goal.  I spent a few nights not sleeping well because this meant so much to me I was totally stressed over it.  And I had to tell myself that it didn’t matter.  That no one would care if I did, or didn’t, and that Grampa was proud of me no matter what.

And yet, as we left the house to head to the race I turned to Kevin and said, OMG did you hear what Mugsy just said to me?  He laughed and said, no, what?  I said…”Come back a winner momma, or don’t come back”   Kids…  lol

But I hit that start line with focus.  And planned to just go out hard with the ‘fast runners’ and hang in there as long as I could.  And within seconds of starting, a hawk flew over head.  I looked up briefly, smiled (hi Grampa!) and dialed in.

And flew…. past the mile one marker, and found my pacer.  She was just in front of me and my goal was to not lose her.  In fact, just after mile 2, I passed her.

I played that course like a fiddle.  I managed the tangents and wasted not a single step. (in fact my garmin read exactly 3.1 at the end – so rare) At mile 2.5, the dry heaves hit.  A total sign I was running at my edge.  So I took a second to rein myself in, just enough to make it stop, and surged.

At mile marker 3, where we turn to the finish a spectator yelled out “The ladies are killing it today” YES!

And as I neared that finish line I saw the clock…and it was under 25 minutes. And I gave every last drop I had.  It was a battle between me and that time.  And while I tried my absolute best, I just couldn’t beat it. ARRGGHHHHH


Holy freaking cow.  I ran a 25:02.

Its a PR.  A 9 second PR over this course in 2017.   And….it was SECOND in my age group.  (i’m sitting here writing this stunned all over again)   I was also 17th female (so clearly the women DID kill it!  And 77th overall.  Wow!

I love winning a medal.  I have oodles of them i’ve gotten for finishing a variety of events. But only 3 times have I received one during a medal ceremony. and its rare enough still that I get SO excited about it.  I mean look at this!

I’m not supposed to win.  I’m not THAT fast. I’m just a perfectly average runner…with moments of brilliance.  This was one of them.

I’m chalking this one up to hard work and fast braids.

Winter is coming

Heck – it’s basically here. The calendar turned to December and BAM – snow!


Anyhoo – I’m SO behind in my blogging! But my sweet Mugsy requires GOBS of attention. And while I’ve gotten good at doing a lot of things one-handed (with him in the other one lol), typing this much is a challenge. 🙂

So I’m being a bad mommy right now and hiding upstairs. Mommy needs a time out 😂

I mean, I owe you guys two race recaps. Cape May and now the Gobble Wobble (aka Turkey Vision Quest v.3). I did start Cape May at least. It’s called “Hey T-Rex, have some fudge” (now you want to read it don’t you). Maybe over Christmas break I can catch up.

Because not only did I have a great time in NJ…I had a better than great time (new PR!) at the Gobble Wobble. And I do want to tell you guys all about it.

Although half of Christmas break is dedicated to my final simulation for my next race…the Dopey Challenge. Which I cannot believe is only 35 days away!!

Training has been going SO well. I’ve done two Dopey-minis (3 / 6 / 10) and long runs up to 18 miles so far. This weekend will be 20 – fingers crossed the roads are clear. I think 20 on the treadmill would cause my brain to explode. Lol

But Dopey will be just the start of an epic 2020. I’ve got some big things planned…which I’ll tell you about in January.

So that’s my last month in a nutshell. And here’s to a great December!!