Four Weeks…Four Parks…Four Tips

OMG…are there really only four weeks left to the Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend?

This is that point where we all get both excited and terrified.  Because finishing 13.1, or 26.2, or 39.3 or 48.6 or any other combination of craziness is not easy.  🙂

This is also the week we play “where are the waivers”. Because everyone wants to know their corral assignment and if they are starting with friends or not. 

It’s also when we start to wonder what the new Dooney bags will look like and when we will see them. 

This is the home stretch in training.  If you are a three-week taperer, than you’ve only got two long runs left (not to scare you or anything…).

Me? I prefer a two week taper.  I train alternating LONG long runs with shorter ones, so the two week taper feels more natural to my routine.  And it means i’ll be running the first of my 20’s on Sunday.  It also means the week before Christmas will be my second one – and my Goofy ‘dress rehearsal’.

So far training has been going swimmingly.  And this past weekend’s 12 miler was fun and easy.  Everyone in my town has been putting up their holiday decorations so there’s some great scenery.  Tho folks, a little PSA…time to toss those pumpkins!

In honor of the four week mark, and since there are conveniently four parks, I thought i’d bring you four tips for Marathon Weekend – one for each park.

Magic Kingdom – While some walking is good to keep your legs loose post race, definitely take advantage of the Railroad.  Its a great way to get from one side of the kingdom to the other to save a little wear and tear on the feet.  Plus its fun to wave to folks as you pull away from the station. 🚂

Animal Kingdom – If you go see Its Tough to be a Bug, don’t sit all the way back in your seat.  Trust me…  this advice came from a 7 year-old and kids know their stuff. 🐞

Hollywood Studios – If you plan to ride the Rock & Roller Coaster (and you should, because its totally awesome) get a fast pass.  The line can get quite long – and its a lot of time on your legs that might need to rest.  On my last visit my brother & nephew went on star tours, shopped and got a snack in the time it took the rest of us to get through the line and ride. 

Epcot – Try the Beverly.  Its in Club Cool… and that’s all i’m going to say about it.  

Hope everyone has a great week. And may the corrals be ever in your favor. 😁



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